The course will run from 11-15 February 2019. Early bird tickets are now available and places are limited so get your ticket now and secure your place! Further information and tickets available here:
Course: Advanced Analysis of Linked Health Data
Instructor: Professor David Preen, UWA
Dates: 11-15 February 2019
Time: 9am – 4.30pm
Location: The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne
Registration: Early bird June to December 2018; full registration January to February 2019 Cost (including GST): Early bird $2890, full registration $3090
Express interest in attending and receive updates on this course here:
The introductory course is offered in Perth in November. We’re also planning to host an introductory level course mid-next year. Feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions and please circulate to colleagues and students and anyone else you think might be interested. I’ve attached a flyer that you’re welcome to share or display at your workplace.